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Hex color #F5AB30 … #FFA726 (or 0xFFA726) is  Contains 100 colors, from classic neutrals to the latest brights. Take your paint color cues from the world's color authority, Pantone. The Pantone Universe paint   PMS 115. PMS 116. PMS 117. PMS 118.

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110. 149. 197. 104. (103). 113. 107.

Pantone is referred as PMS matching system, which is mainly used by graphic designers for color graphic printing. The PMS color conversion allow designers to 'color match'. The below given Pantone to Ral conversion chart helps to convert Pantone Code (nearest match) to equivalent RAL Code and RAL Name.

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It is largely a standardized color reproduction system.

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RAL Effect comprises of 420 solid colours and seventy metallic colours which is represented in unique code. With AH Formatter V6.6, you can specify a color name of PANTONE ® to the rgb-icc() function..