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What is a CNAME Record - Hjälpcentral - WebClick Hosting

Your main domain name should always point to an A record and never point to a CNAME… Alias record typically have a type of A or AAAA, but they work like a CNAME record. Using an alias record, you can map your record name ( to the DNS name for an AWS resource( Resolvers see the A or AAAA record and the IP address of the AWS resource." Hope that's what you were asking. CNAME Record.

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ANAME Records. You may have noticed that some of the records we have already covered have a few limitations. We needed a record that could point a hostname to another hostname or FQDN but could also represent the root record—essentially 2013-11-21 · CNAME record In a situation such as this, where a site’s IP might change at any moment, we have a somewhat different mechanism in DNS, known as Canonical Name, or CNAME for short. When a domain provider creates the DNS Zone for a customer that just bought a domain, they would usually create an A-Record, as we mentioned earlier, but they also have the option of creating a CNAME record instead. The difference between having an A record vs CNAME for www would be an extra look up. In case of the CNAME the after figuring out that www is a CNAME to, another look will be done for Other than that if you are planning to use a CDN or a 3 party acceleration service then a CNAME would come into play.


What is a CNAME record in DNS in Plesk 10 - Hjälpcentral

CNAME record, on the other hand, maps a domain name to another domain name. Websites are uniquely identified by IP addresses.

How can I manage my DNS records? - Hostinger

Your main domain name should always point to an A record and never point to a CNAME… Alias record typically have a type of A or AAAA, but they work like a CNAME record. Using an alias record, you can map your record name ( to the DNS name for an AWS resource( Resolvers see the A or AAAA record and the IP address of the AWS resource." Hope that's what you were asking. CNAME Record.

Medan A-posterna är kopplade till IP-adresser, och därmed mer eller mindre till en enskild dator, kan CNAME-posterna lättare organiseras så som administratörerna ser som ändamålsenligt.
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A record vs cname

It is useful for pointing many hosts to the same place and updating them easily. The CNAME and ALIAS records aren’t same.

Ett record för exempelzonen  CNAME används för att koppla ett aliasnamn till en domän. Har du e-postkonto hos GleSYS bör du lägga till följande TXT-record för att undvika att mail du skickar klassas som SPAM: v=spf1 -all. A Record vs. CNAME.
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Yahoo! Domäner – Strikingly hjälpcenter

It just allows you to use extra names, it will always point to another domain name never IP. So if CNAME is used by someone it will point to a domain name which will then point to the IP. In answer to your question the A record because the CNAME hasn't been used, it will point straight to the IP. An A record for (i.e. root/naked domain) points to the server IP address. A CNAME record for points to

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Jag säger som snuffy, lägg in ett A record för www som pekar mot (ip till hosting firma) ·  This record is used for Lync 2013 desktop clients as a method of autodiscover. CNAME record: lyncdiscover; Destination: lyncrp.na02.msexchangeoutlook. The domain must belong to you and it will either be parked on your LiveAgent installation via a CNAME DNS record or it can be pointed to an  Konfiguration> System> DNS> CNAME Record.