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loc. latina (propr., inchieste perpetue). Nella Roma repubblicana, le commissioni d'inchiesta in alcuni processi penali. Ebbero dapprima carattere straordinario (quaestiones perpetuae extra ordinem ), ma si mutarono presto in permanenti (da cui il nome); riguardavano solo alcuni crimini e il giudizio aveva carattere Quaestiones perpetuae ( постійні кримінальні суди, судові колегії або судові комісії ) — постійні спеціалізовані суди, що існували в Стародавньому Римі. Традиційно виділяється вісім постійних судів.
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A quaestiones perpetuae . Az állandó törvényszék elnökei a praetorok voltak, kiknek számát Sulla nyolcra emelte. Azonban még így sem jutott minden quaestio élére külön praetor, mert a praetor urbanus és praetor peregrinus régi ügykörében is perekkel volt elfoglalva s így némely praetor két quaestio elnöke is volt. These standing jury courts (quaestiones perpetuae) each dealt with a particular type of statutory offense using large juries selected from an annual list of the upper class. Their majority verdicts could not be appealed.
quaestiones perpetuae. Encyklopedia PWN. quaestiones perpetuae. [łac., 'sądy stałe'],.
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149 a.C. lex Calpurnia: tribunale stabile per casi di concussione, QUAESTIONES PERPETUAE. Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. in Roman law, were commissions (or courts) of inquisition (quaestiones perpetuae).
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27. 106) Voters -- Meet all quaestiones perpetuae (Brut. 27. 106) voters on There were at least nine of these permanent courts (Quaestiones Perpetuae) in Rome.
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Italier hade också rätt att ingå bland dem som ingick i de permanenta tribunalerna (kallade quaestiones perpetuae) att ingå i vissa specifika delar av den romerska armén samt att ingå i praetoriangardet.
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Thereafter, both the senatorial special commissions, Explanation for the 'quaestiones perpetuae (Brut. 27.
{Suetonius} ▽. quam grata requies est opere
Responsa Moralia Ad Quaestiones E Theologia Selectas, in Gratiam P. Virgilii Maronis Opera in Tironum Gratiam Perpetua Annotatione Illustrata a Chr. Gottl. denna quaestio synes hafva varit en bland de älsta af quaestiones perpetuae och fanns säkerligen redan före Sullas omorganisation af kriminalrättsväsendet
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testatum cautumque volo , ea videlicet me esse perpetua voluntate , ut memet Quaestiones de confessione oris et operum satisfactione , qua nostro hoc
Innan Sulla lade till funktioner, ordnade ordföranden i fall av quaestiones perpetuae, fall av: repetundae; ambitius, majestäer; peculatus.
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quaestiones perpetuae. Encyklopedia PWN. quaestiones perpetuae. [łac., 'sądy stałe'],.
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Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Definition of Quaestiones Perpetuae . Home. Law Dictionary. Advertisement. Definitions from Black's Law Dictionary: 2nd Edition and Ballentine's Law Dictionary as are available for each term in each dictionary. Quaestiones perpetuae.