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Olivia Cintas Sánchez - Investigador - RISE Research

4.849. 中科院分区 (2018):. 2 区. 大类学科:. 生物.

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Total Cites. 2019/2020. SCI期刊GCB BIOENERGY (1757-1693)历年5年总效影响因子 (2015年:5.473) GCB Bioenergy是开放存取(Open Access,简称OA)期刊。 开放获取是国际学术界、出版界、图书情报界为了推动科研成果利用互联网自由传播而采取的行动。 其目的是促进科学及人文信息的广泛交流,促进利用互联网进行科学交流与出版,提升科学研究的公共利用程度、保障科学信息的保存,提高科学研究的效率。 1. Research focuses on interactions between bioenergy and environment, climate change, etc. 2. After all, it is a journal of GCB, the quality is good; 3.

compensatory nutrient additions on carbon sequestration and soil acidification in a boreal forest, GCB Bioenergy, 2020, 12, s. 992–1001, : Wiley Open Access.

Climate change and agricultural land use in Sweden - SLU

Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Swedish Bioenergy Association (Svebio) has decided to condense and switch the format of Advanced  Global change biology bioenergy, 4 6 Men egentlig var han fra bjørberglia av overud, hvor også en del av hans familie er ført i bd. På norsk har vi uttrykket  avskräckt Total lipid and fatty acid composition of seaweeds for the selection of species for oil‐based biofuel and bioproducts - Gosch - 2012 - GCB Bioenergy  Hansson, J. How is biodiversity protection influencing the potential for bioenergy feedstock production on grasslands? Global Change Biology Bioenergy, vol. av Wiley En artikel i det aktuella numret av Global Change Biology Bioenergy granskar lämpligheten av Agave som en bioenergi råvara som kan upprätthålla  av E syntes från Energi — Bioenergy from forests 2007–2011.

Climate change and agricultural land use in Sweden - SLU

Published in: GCB Bioenergy. av B Holtsmark · 2015 · Citerat av 60 — GCB Bioenergy (2015) 7, 195–206, doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12110. Page 2. bioenergy from slow-growing forests 'becomes an attrac- tive climate change  av T BUCHHOLZ · 2013 · Citerat av 54 — Publishing Ltd. 305. GCB Bioenergy (2014) 6, 305–311, doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12044 content.

(2019) Pyrogenic carbon capture and storage, GCB Bioenergy. Biochar stability in soil: Meta-analysis of decomposition and priming effects, GCB Bioenergy.
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Page 2. bioenergy from slow-growing forests 'becomes an attrac- tive climate change  av T BUCHHOLZ · 2013 · Citerat av 54 — Publishing Ltd. 305. GCB Bioenergy (2014) 6, 305–311, doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12044 content. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, GCB Bioenergy, 6, 305–311. New #openaccess read from GCB Bioenergy - Nitrogen-dependent bacterial community shifts in root, rhizome and rhizosphere of long-term field trials of  Using forest residues for energy may result in high initial emissions, but net emissions are reduced over time since, if the residues were left on the ground, they  av S Haus · 2018 · Citerat av 2 — If residues are used for energy to replace fossil fuel, the biogenic carbon is emitted immediately to the atmosphere; in addition, there are some emissions from the  av M KUCHLER · 2012 · Citerat av 2 — Magdalena Kuchler.

中科院分区 (2018):. 2 区. 大类学科:. 生物.
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中国科学院北方资源植物重点实验室, 北京 100049; 3. 中国科学院武汉植物园植物种质改良与特色农业重点实验室, 武汉 430074 2013农学SCI期刊影响因子_生物学_自然科学_专业资料 587人阅读|9次下载. 2013农学SCI期刊影响因子_生物学_自然科学_专业资料。农学 Abbreviated Journal Title JCR Data ISSN Total Cites Eigenfactor?

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Olivia Cintas Sánchez - Investigador - RISE Research

2. After all, it is a journal of GCB, the quality is good; 3. The review is very fast, receive to accept only took a little more than 30 days; 4. After revise, it soon became online early view; 4. Overview Aims and Scope.