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Mbizi/Tembo/Samaita all mean zebra in various dialects of ChiShona. Tembo is used both as a last-name and as mutupo, for example the late musician Biggie Tembo (Mhosva Marasha), who went by his mutupo of Pauri pane dandemutande pane tsotso rinobaya zvandisina shangu ndokutoraseiko? Pauri pane dandemutande pane tsotso rinobaya zvandisina shangu ndokutoraseiko? Ndashaya maitiro, ndashaya madhonzero, ndashaya chandingakupe kuti ndive newe Ndashaya maitiro, ndashaya madhonzero, ndashaya chandingakupe kuti ndive newe Ohoo oh ndoriwanepiko simba kuti Genius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge.
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You can reach us during this lockdown period. Feel free … Dandemutande General Information Description. Provider of internet connectivity services based in Zimbabwe. The company's services include internet connectivity, cloud-based data backup and storage, data center operations, network security and other information technology-related services, enabling business entities to grow their business, expand into new markets and improve operational Genius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge.
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Vamwe vanoti kutandidza. Kutandira (Enclose with rope or wire) zvichireva kukomberedza netambo kana waya.