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We Are Triumphant · Playlist · 101 songs · 16.2K likes. We Are Triumphant 23 december 2020 ·. Not bad for a roast bot. The Defeated the AI That Roasts Your Spotify Taste In my case, this meant (possibly) breaking a playlist-roasting bot that my co-workers and co-workers were  !collablist, https://open.spotify.com/user/wormy2walle/playlist/ !fembottips, This week's Fembot tips; If you have small feet, you can buy kids sneakers !roast, Weghuz Roastar sin chat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1hicc1XcsA, 0. Sander Van Doorn 'Darkroast (2006 Re-Fill)' [Nebula] · Sander Van Doorn. Essential Mix Bottai.

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New AI bot roasts fans' taste in music. 'You've been listening to a lot of Phoebe Bridgers lately.' one user was told. 'U  Dec 23, 2020 Use the Spotify Roast Bot! http://bit.ly/SpotifyRoast▻Follow my Spotify: http://bit.ly/ ARTVSpotify▻Donate on Patreon:  Dec 24, 2020 With 'How Bad Is Your Spotify,' you can let an AI bot not only analyze I did this thing where an A.I. bot roasts my Spotify, and this bot really  Dec 28, 2020 The Pudding has released a new A.I. bot that will examine, and then make fun of, the music you listen to on Spotify. Dec 24, 2020 How Bad is Your Spotify AI Bot? There is a new website called Pudding. Cool Spotify. This website has an AI Bot that analyses the user's Spotify  Dec 23, 2020 The program, developed by digital publication The Pudding, is essentially the de facto nemesis of Spotify's "Wrapped" programming.