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The otic ganglion contains (preganglionic vs. postganglionic) (sympathetic vs. parasympathetic) neurons which project secretomotor fibers to the parotid gland 'hitchhiking on auriculotemporal n. Start studying Anatomy - The Infratemporal Fossa. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Learn fossa knee anatomy with free interactive flashcards. Choose from 500 different sets of fossa knee anatomy flashcards on Quizlet.

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Image: septum interatriale. ventriculus (kammare) dexter (+  Image: Trochanter major. fossa trochanterica. trochanteric fossa ( fördjupning medialt om trochanter major).

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. fossa [fos´ah] (pl.

Höger Fossa - Cy Indep

Middle cranial fossa surgical anatomy as demonstrated in a right cadaver temporal bone by Dr Jack M Kartush - view from above. A good estimation of the IAC is key in middle fossa approaches to vestibular schwannomas and in anterior petrosectomies to approach the posterior fossa via the middle fossa.

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Pin by Dominik Cenker on Anatomy | Medicine, Anatomy. photograph Maxillaris olika grenar Diagram | Quizlet photograph. Figure 2 from The  .max .obj .ma .fbx Laboratory Manual for Human Anatomy with CAT Dissections . ben höften. Anterior view Diagram | Quizlet Fossa Cubitalis Içindekiler  Fraktur Basis Cranii Fossa Anterior basis cranii Diagram | Quizlet. img. Basis cranii Diagram | Quizlet.

45791. Anatomical terminology.
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Ostium sinus coronarius 2. Fossa ovalis 3. Auricula dextra 4.

Image: spina scapulae. acromion. 2c. Image: acromion.
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Learn fossa knee anatomy with free interactive flashcards. Choose from 500 different sets of fossa knee anatomy flashcards on Quizlet. portion of cranial fossa that houses temporal lobe, temporal bone, parietal bone greater wings of sphenoid bone.

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The fossa can be exposed by the removal of skin and the superficial fascia of the back and the trapezius muscle. The supraspinous fossa is bounded by the spine of scapula on the inferior side, acromion process on the lateral side and the superior angle of scapula on the superior side. Supraspinatus muscle originates from the supraspinous fossa.