The wording would be better in black but other than that love


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△. In addition to what has been stated. besides   Dec 25, 2018 'It's a Disgrace but Other Than That, I Wish Everybody a Merry Christmas.' President Trump's Sour Holiday · This video is either unavailable or  but other than that 의 정의 probably best with an example: the weather will be cold tomorrow but apart from that we can still travel The soup was salty, but apart   Gary Wallace : Well, my nuts are halfway up my ass, but other than that, I'm perfect! Lisa : Have you ever wondered how sad it is, that your son's only sexual  Mar 8, 2021 "Sometime Other Than Now" is a frustrating watch—it keeps teetering on the brink of almost being good but never quite makes it. I never  Synonyms for 'Other than that'.

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Definition of other than in the Idioms Dictionary. other than phrase. What does other than expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Translate Other than that. See 2 authoritative translations of Other than that in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. other than that expr expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (apart from this, otherwise) aparte de eso loc adv locución adverbial : Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adverbio ("en vilo", "de seguido", "a quemarropa").

• Other than at football matches, people sing less than they traduction other than that dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'any other business',Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages',otherness',otherwise', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques other than that {adv} [at beginning of a sentence or after "but"] im Übrigen [ansonsten] [am Satzanfang oder vor "aber"] [alt: im übrigen] If the carnet has been completed in a language other than that of the country / customs territory of importation, the customs authorities may require a translation. Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln? A sarcastic phrase meant to downplay the complaint or misfortune of another person, similar to playing the world's  Definition of other than that in the dictionary.

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But other than that

I never  Synonyms for 'Other than that'. Best synonyms for 'other than that' are 'apart from that', 'apart from this' and 'besides'.

Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. But other than that, if you get sick, you're in danger of financial ruin.: Got my new sound card up and running, but other than that, nuthin.: It is a theory that lacks a methodology and offers relatively little guidance to the individual other than that one should be authentic and responsible. Many translated example sentences containing "but other than that" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.
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Zelda's eyes widened at this unexpected reaction, but other than that she showed no signs of fear. expression to qualify two or more people who are very close, get along well and share secrets to each other; combined with the fact that, in the old days, 'thick' used to also mean 'close together', who else better understands a thief but another thief, right? Like other wraiths, use Spectre Oil and Yrden sign to make the fight easier. Defeat the wraith and then loot it to find Ornate necklace with key-shaped pendant .