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Several conditions, including antineoplastic agents, Flagellate erythema is another skin condition that can sometimes look like scratch marks. It’s a rash that often follows chemotherapy but can also be caused by other factors, like eating Shiitake Flagellate erythema is thought to be a reaction specific to bleomycin and is independent of the route of administration or type of malignant disease being treated. The characteristic flagellate linear groups of erythematous vesicular or urticarial lesions may occur from a few hours to 9 weeks after administration of the drug. However, unlike shiitake dermatitis, stomatis is common, and skin hyperpigmentation occurs. 8 Shiitake mushrooms are widely available in supermarkets in Europe, but to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of shiitake These have been very rarely reported but include anaphylaxis, itch, urticaria (hives), flagellate erythema / hyperpigmentation and pneumonia-like symptoms. No cases of pulmonary fibrosis (seen with intravenous bleomycin) have so far been reported following intralesional bleomycin. Contraindications to intralesional bleomycin Another episode of flagellate erythema on the anterior aspect of the thorax occurred 3 months later , at which time the serology was still positive (IgM 130 U/mL, IgG 22 U/mL) but the results of PCR and the enzyme-linked immunospot assay for IgM antibody-secreting cells were negative.
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Erythrite. Erythrites. Erythroblast Flagellate. Flagellates. Flagellation.
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However, unlike shiitake dermatitis, stomatis is common, and skin hyperpigmentation occurs. 8 Shiitake mushrooms are widely available in supermarkets in Europe, but to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of shiitake Another episode of flagellate erythema on the anterior aspect of the thorax occurred 3 months later , at which time the serology was still positive (IgM 130 U/mL, IgG 22 U/mL) but the results of PCR and the enzyme-linked immunospot assay for IgM antibody-secreting cells were negative.
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2017-07-01 · Later this progress to erythematous edematous linear streaks (flagellate erythema) over trunk and extremities (Adler and Larsen, 2011, Boels et al., 2014, Nguyen et al., 2017). Systemic symptoms like fever, diarrhea, and mucosal ulcers, and rarely paresthesia, dysphagia, and conjunctivitis may accompany the rash.
It is reported to be caused by antineoplastic agents (including bleomycin, Herceptin), toxins (from Shittake mushroom), rheumatologic diseases (dermatomyositis (DM), systemic lupus erythematosus) and pruritus-related dermatoses. Pruritic flagellate erythema rarely occurs on the back, chest, or buttocks. Early diagnosis is important because the exanthema typically is followed by muscle weakness and sequelae.11, 12. INTRODUCTION Flagellate erythema is characterized by linear erythematous streaks with hyperpigmentation. The condition is a characteristic side effect of bleomycin, an antineoplastic sulphur-containing antibiotic developed in the 1960s, and might also occur after consumption of raw or undercooked shiitake mushrooms. Miori L, Vignini M, Rabbiosi G: Flagellate dermatitis after bleomycin: A histological and immunohistochemical study. Am J Dermatopathol 12:598-602, 1990 7.
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We discuss the pathophysiologic mechanism that produces this dermatitis. Dermatomyositis: flagellate erythema is a rare dermatologic manifestation in dermatomyositis.
Bleomycin-induced flagellate erythema (FE), a skin finding associated with cutaneous deposition of bleomycin, is so called due to its characteristic pattern of whip-like, linear streaks. Flagellate erythema is recognised cutaneous toxicity of bleomycin first described in 1970 .
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It can appear within 24 hours to 2 months of administration of bleomycin and usually resolves after discontinuation of bleomycin from chemotherapy. Here we report a characteristic but rare side effect of flagellate erythema, which developed secondary to bleomycin in a 27-year old woman with Hodgkin’s lymphoma after two cycles of treatment with adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine regimen. The rash subsided after discontinuation of bleomycin and treatment with steroids.
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Dermatomyositis: flagellate erythema is a rare dermatologic manifestation in dermatomyositis.