A standard bearer. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. … Stallriser A stallriser protects the base of the shop window from damage and splashing, and provides the building with a visual anchor to the ground. It brings the bottom of the window closer to the observer’s eyes, encouraging more interesting displays. A traditional stallriser should be at least 500 millimetres high, or to the top of the pilaster stallriser must be in sympathy with the overall design of the shopfront and the inclusion of a stallriser in the door may also be appropriate.
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17 shopfronts are characterised by lower stallrisers, The vertical division between units will be defined. The Facia and contemporary facia design. 6. Stallrisers.
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stallriser should relate to that of the base of the pilaster, or to the height of any traditional existing stallrisers on neighbouring properties. In Conservation Areas, and in the case of Listed Buildings, a traditional stallriser of suitable design and proportions will be required in any new shopfront proposal. Stallriser A stallriser below a shop window forms a solid base between the window and the pavement.
Stalwart definition is - marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit. How to use stalwart in a sentence. Did You Know? Synonym Discussion of stalwart. n. 1.
Low or small stall risers should be avoided where possible as they fail to provide a solid visual base to the shopfront, sometimes making it appear top heavy. A stallriser can also prevent low level vandalism and
stallriser. stall-warning indicator. stalwart. stalworth. stamen.
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Visually the stallriser forms a solid base for the building. They vary in height according to the style of shopfront. The stallriser provides security protection to the shop window as …
A stallriser gives protection to a shop window and creates a solid visual base to a building.
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archar ‘People think buying copies is a victimless crime, but the idea that they are ‘just’ being sold by a couple of guys at a market stall or car-boot sale is misleading.’ stall - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. Definition of stallriser. British. : the part of a store front below a show window. Looking for stallriser?