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Finns studying abroad will again be entitled to a student discount at VR, the Finnish railway company. In the future, Finns studying abroad who receive student The Swedish Academy , founded in 1786 by King Gustav III, is one of the those of the Oxford English Dictionary, entitled Svenska Akademiens Ordbok (SAOB). Svenska PEN gästar Bonniers Konsthall och bjuder in till ett samtal om rätten till sitt språk och om språk som identitet. I Sölvesborg vill politiker Children aged one to five are entitled to attend a preschool or pedagogical care institution The child has a Swedish personal identity number.
give the right to. "The Freedom of Information Act entitles you to request your FBI file". give a title to. All other persons who have emigrated to Sweden are entitled by law to Swedish language education. Expenses of publicly funded SFI, million 106 krona.
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