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Upphävandedatum:. Specialistområden: MRI Safety, MRI testing, Medical devices, MRI Physics, ISO/TS 10974, ASTM F2052, ASTM F2213, ASTM F2182, ASTM F2119, ASTM F2503  TS ISO 10836 Järnmalm - Metod för provtagning och provtagning för fysiska experiment. TS 5694 TS 7544 ISO 4282 Fluorit - för syra- och keramikproduktion - 105 Bestämning av massförlust vid ° C TS 10974 Florspar-Används i syra- och  av S Bernesson · 2011 · Citerat av 1 — hållet av kväve (ca 5 % av ts) gör att kväveoxidemissionerna sannolikt blir höga, och Det finns fyra faser i en livscykelanalys enligt ISO 14040 (ISO, 1997, 2006): 1. 10974,54. 26,67. 51097. 2,40.

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10974. .' . Godsadr. ISO.15.

Assessment of the safety of magnetic resonance imaging for patients with an active implantable medical device. Clause 8, 9: Measurement   Application; ISO/TS 10974:2018 Assessment of the safety of magnetic resonance imaging for patients with an active implantable medical device  29 Mar 2016 ISO/TS 10974: Assessment of the Safety of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Patients with an Active Implantable Medical Device.

Assessment of the safety of magnetic resonance - Standard

2,926-36. 12,559. 2,142. 3,474.


An “active medical device” refers to an electrically active device that is surgically or medically introduced into the human body that remains in place after the procedure.

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Iso ts 10974

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An “active medical device” refers to an electrically active device that is surgically or medically introduced into the human body that remains in place after the procedure. •ISO TS 10974 (JWG): interactions between MRI scanner and implanted device •A horizontal standard attempting coverage of all active implants, but no requirements •ISO SC6 (responsible implant committee): responsible for implants and the safety of the implant patient ISO - ISO/CD 10974 - Assessment of the safety of magnetic resonance imaging for patients with an active implantable medical device. Skip to main content.