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Databaser A-Ö - Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
Includes links to full text. HOSTED BY EBSCO. ERIC ERIC provides access to 1.5 million bibliographic records (citations, abstracts, and other pertinent data) of journal articles and other education-related materials, with hundreds of new records added every week. A key component of ERIC is its collection of grey literature in education, which is largely available in full text in Adobe PDF format. 2016-06-13 2021-04-10 This page provides access to ERIC's bibliographic database of over one million abstracts of journal articles and reports in education This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the ERIC database, including how to conduct a phrase search and how to navigate the ERIC thesaurus.
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1) use Ulrich's Periodical Directory. You can find Ulrich's under the U's in the database A-Z list. Here is an example of a search for a title in Ulrich's. database.
Berquist, Eric Harry, 1923-. , [So derta lje] O stra Open access publications in the SLU publication database Items where Author is "Briant, Eric" Jump to: Journal article.
Databases - Mittuniversitetet
Academic Journal Here you can search for journal articles in both interdisciplinary and ERIC är världens största databas för undervisnings- och pedagogikrelaterade ämnen. Utvecklaren Eric Purnama har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan.
Ämnesdidaktiska tidskrifter /Subject-specific journals in
ERIC documents are assigned an ED number that is followed by 6 digits. The citation database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Services offer the ERIC database on CD-ROM. The RCS Scope. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills has a carefully defined scope for Non-journal documents are available via microfiche; they are also online from 1993-present.
ERIC provides access to 1.5 million bibliographic records (citations, abstracts, and other pertinent data) of journal articles and other education-related materials, with hundreds of new records added every week.
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database. The ERIC database now contains nearly 700,000 records of journal articles and education-related documents. To give the reader an idea of how extensive a program ERIC conducts, consider that in 1988 alone 12,129 documents were selected, cataloged, indexed, abstracted, and announced in ERIC's monthly journal of abstracts Resources in It's important to note that most ERIC indexes include two different kinds of citations: EJ sources and ED sources.
This webinar explains what policymakers need to know about ERIC, including the kinds of relevant full-text resources that are available and how to find these materials easily on the free ERIC website. 2020-12-15
This link is from the ERIC Database Research Guide created by Stetson University Research Librarian Barbara Costello.
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Databaser A-Z - Högskolan i Gävle
To give the reader an idea of how extensive a program ERIC conducts, consider that in 1988 alone 12,129 documents were selected, cataloged, indexed, abstracted, and announced in ERIC's monthly journal of abstracts Resources in It's important to note that most ERIC indexes include two different kinds of citations: EJ sources and ED sources. EJ sources are journal articles which relate to the field of education. These articles are not included ERIC microfiche collections because they have already been published by a particular academic journal.
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Kerstin Enflo - Publications - Google Sites
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals · Dokument & lagar INSPIRE : high-energy physics literature database ERIC [on platform EBSCO Host].